Conforlab e Setri Colombia: o início de uma parceria de sucesso

Nos dias 12 a 15 de setembro, aconteceu na São Paulo Expo, a 21ª edição da Feira Internacional de Refrigeração, Ar Condicionado, Ventilação, Aquecimento e Tratamento do Ar (FEBRAVA). Durante os 3 dias de exposição milhares de visitantes puderam passear pelos stands dos expositores e conhecer as principais novidades do setor. Além disso, a FEBRAVA […]

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The Air Quality in Classrooms is Being Overlooked?

The IAQ in commercial buildings has received press attention lately, especially after the death of the former Minister of Communications Sergio Motta and the subsequent publication of Ordinance 3523 by the Ministry of Health on 28 August 1998. Several laws and technical standards have been published in Brazil since then, as well as inspections and […]

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Air Quality – Health and student academic performance

Every child deserves a healthy learning environment Children are naturally more vulnerable to environmental hazards because their bodies are still developing. poor environmental conditions in schools, as poor cleaning or insufficient ventilation can cause serious health problems for children. There is increasing evidence that indoor air quality (IAQ) directly affects the health and academic performance […]

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How the Brazilian legislation, the market and customers are behaving regarding indoor environmental air quality

Since 1998 when he died the then Minister of Communications Sergio Mota, the quality issue of indoor air (IAQ) gained national recognition with new legislation, technical standards and media exposure. New products and services reached the Brazilian market to meet the concept of caring for the air of the place where we spend more than […]

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The water and the buildings – a solved problem?

The relationship between water and human being has always been a matter of life or death. Throughout human history water has always played a strategic role in the development. For the same reason human civilization arose in the Fertile Crescent, a small region along the rivers Tigers, Euphrates and Nile in ancient Mesopotamia. A constant […]

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